Adult PICC Insertion Bundle
  | Courses Included: |
  | - Basic PICC Qualification Training
This course addresses everything you need to know to begin placing PICCs under supervision. After completion of the program and the post test, you will perform a supervised simulated insertion at your facility or at a training facility. NOTE: This is a prerequisite course in the PICC Certification program.
- Step by Step Ultrasound Guided PICC Insertion
- Ultrasound Guided PICC Tips and Tricks
- UG105 Understanding the Basics of Ultrasound
- Inserting PICCs with Ultrasound
Many hospitals have added portable ultrasound units to their IV team's arsenal of tools for locating veins. Inserting PICCs with Ultrasound includes an insertion, patient education and dressing on the completed insertion. We recommend completing this course in conjunction with the Basic PICC Qualification Training Program
In the Basic PICC Qualification Training course, you will dive deep into the world of PICCs. From understanding the definition of PICCs to mastering device selection, vein anatomy, insertion procedures, complications, and legal aspects, this course covers it all. Enroll now and start learning!
Individually priced $895.00!
Bundle price $545 BIG Savings!
NOTE: Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #CEP 15304 Continuing Nursing Education also provided through Florida Board of Nursing Provider #50-1594 This course is part of
Discounted Bundles